What type of fee structure are you looking for?
We offer multiple fee structures for our clients including contingency fees, hybrids, project-based or flat fees, monthly flat fees, and the standard hourly. Our goal is to meet the particular needs of a client and aligning ourselves with our client.
We offer contingency fee arrangements for lawsuits and business or real estate transactions. In contingency fee matters, we receive a percentage of the recovery or transaction after a win, settlement, or closing. If the client loses the case or the trigger for the success fee does not occur, the client pays zero legal fees. We get paid only if our client is successful.
A Hybrid is a combination of a success fee/bonus plus hourly fees but the percentage is less than a purely contingency fee arrangement and the hourly rates are also significantly lower than the standard hourly rates. In some cases, rather than lower hourly rates we can structure the hybrid arrangement using monthly flat fees. This fee structure significantly lowers the out-of-pocket costs for a client who wants to pursue or defend against a claim or a real estate/business transaction. The firm receives much lower fees plus a bonus with success. We use Hybrids in commercial litigation but also real estate deals and business deals (i.e. purchase or sale of a business).
Project-based fees include a flat fee for a defined legal project or service. This structure can be used for estate planning matters, legal opinions, and preparation/negotiation/closing of contracts or transactions. The client knows the exact amount it will pay for the defined project.
Monthly flat fee structures provide a client with a certain amount to be paid per month that fits within their budget for a defined set of legal services. We have used this structure for clients that are companies and businesses who have various legal needs throughout a year like contracts and general corporate or other legal advice. In essence, rather than paying one in-house counsel person, the client pays the firm with much more depth than just one in-house attorney and the firm acts as the outside “in-house” counsel. We have also used this structure in lawsuits combined with a success fee.
The firm also offers the typical hourly fees structure for clients as well. In this structure, we bill for the time spent.
In all cases, the client is obligated to pay for all costs including internal costs and third-party costs such as for experts, transcripts, filing fees, printing, court reporters, parking, court costs, travel and other third-party charges.
In sum, we are open to different and creative fee structures that fit a client’s budget or goals.